Words that Work Week 157—Death (and Investor rebirth) of the American Dream

Real Estate Investing Advice

For this week’s words we are going to something that I think I saw on Facebook or LinkedIn. Origin is unknown but content is awesome:

If the grass is greener on the other side, stop staring, stop comparing and start watering the grass you are standing on.

Best way I know how to water your grass is with information and education. (Remember that old TV commercial with the catchy jingle..  “The More You Know”?

I am cool with the grass I am on but I am always in search for more water.

Where do YOU stand with your grass watering situation?

~ Tyson

There are many, many articles this week, so many that we can say that we definitely did could not fully consume each and every one of them. We do hope that you find one or two that interest and are helpful to you in your real estate & investment journey. If we had to prioritize we highly recommend:

More great real estate investing, generalized real estate market, SFR and Multifamily trends and general leadership advice: