The POwer of Regret...
A life of obligation and no opportunity is crimped. A life of opportunity and no obligation is hollow. A life that fuses opportunity and obligation is rare.
How to build that life by transforming your existing regrets and anticipating your future regrets is the subject of the rest of the book.
Pink goes on to expand on how our lives are shaped by regret, particularly regrets of inaction and the unknown, abstract could’ve beens would’ve beens and should’ve beens that follow.
What do you regret doing or not doing in 2022 and how will this help you plan for 2023? As Pink says, regret can be good if you are willing to learn from it!
Some articles, insights and info below to help you plan for a better future below:
Auben is everywhere you want to be #6 #8 and #9…
Prognosis for Augusta market for next decade is really, really good!
Multifamily absorption slowing…
Renters love BTR!
If it’s good enough for JP Morgan, it’s good enough for Auben!
Interest rates are rising but so is demand for rentals.
Lots of money on the sidelines.
US Housing market expected to continue to slide.
New BFR brand…