Dents in the universe on the way to SFR 2.0
In order to be different, you have to think different.
Few people understood this like Steve Jobs did. Jobs was someone defined by his big-picture vision, however it was assembling a team committed to the little things, the details and specific operations of his products, that was his genius.
As referenced last week, for the past 5 years, Auben has intentionally been building the operational foundation for a healthy and vibrant national organization. A foundation for an organization we intend to last for 50+ years.
Building a business with longevity is a big ask of everyone. It’s a painstaking endeavor layered in process-by-process, policy-by-policy, block-by-block using nearly 15+ years of SFR experience. When building something with no intended exit, decisions (at every level) are different.
While most of our competitors are building to a critical mass to trigger a liquidity event, go public, and sell out; our mission is different. We are building a long-term community, seeking to create what Steve Jobs called a “dent in the universe.”
Here’s Jobs describing the people he was seeking to help make those dents:
“At Apple, people are putting in 18-hour days. We attract a different type of person — a person who doesn’t want to wait five or 10 years to have someone take a giant risk on him or her. Someone who really wants to get in a little over his head and make a dent in the universe. We are aware that we are doing something significant. We’re here at the beginning of it, and we’re able to shape how it goes. Everyone here has the sense that right now is one of those moments when we are influencing the future.”
We are looking for people who want to be part of something bigger than themselves.
It’s not easy, but it is a hell of a lot of fun. COME JOIN OUR TEAM.
Currently we are seeking to hire a DIRECTOR OF MARKETING and a Market Sales Manager in AUGUSTA and COLUMBIA.
Join us in person on April 12th from 10:30am – 11:15am for our next Real Estate News and Market Moves meeting at 909 Walker Street, Augusta, GA.
Check out the articles below to stay current on market trends:

Bank collapse is causing stress and strain on commercial real estate…

Build-for-Rent folks discuss the benefits of being vertically-integrated…

How agents can use LinkedIn for more leverage!

Overpriced markets: Fastest to rise, fastest to fall…

Cost of capital can crush returns, so there is a need to standout!