Thematic Goal of engagement, How to stay Linked to LinkedIn and Will Recession be Rocket Fuel for SFR
I am extremely excited about our focus on engagement as I believe it is what is truly necessary for us to clear the next hurdle and propel us to the next level we need to get to capitalize on the market shift alignment with our model.
I know it is not easy but I know we are collectively up to the task.
This week’s words come from Jack Welch via one of Auben longest and most trusted clients, Carey Brown.
Carey has provided a ton of wisdom over the years always true to himself: quiet, observational yet decisive and driven.
Carey has taught me many, many things but one of the most important items has been to engage directly with the difficult conversations and be accountable to the results.
For those looking for extra reading, It is a philosophy embodied in the book recommendation below:
I am hoping this will be our book club next selection:
Carey also recently sent me the following words which I felt were extremely fitting for our focus on engagement:
Before you are a leader, success is all about growing yourself. When you become a leader success is all about growing others—Jack Welch
Many great articles below including one I have referenced multiple times about 75% of active agents never experiencing a balanced market
Below are some things to know to grow with the opportunity in the market:
How to stay linked to LinkedIn.
Teams that own it, want it!
Be real and be vulnerable.
Multifamily slows and BFR grows.
Prop Tech to experience a reckoning. Reckoning is same word I use for current real estate market.
Where there is chaos, there is opportunity.
Historic Housing Change is already here and still coming.
Staggering Stat—75% of agents have never experienced a balanced market.
Hangovers aren’t a lot of fun.
According to National Homebuilders Association, we are in a recession.
Developers are pivoting to rentals.
Will recession be rocket fuel for SFR?
A construction boom is coming!